Supporting Student Projects Focused on Sustainability
The Albert, Norma and Howard Geller ’77 Endowed Research Awards support student-initiated research projects that advance our understanding of natural resource and environmental sustainability and develop practical improvements that can move society toward more sustainable outcomes.
Clark University undergraduate and graduate students are eligible, and are reviewed in separate competitions.
Given the intent of the Geller Awards, proposals are evaluated on the following criteria:
- Relevance to practical approaches of advancing sustainability
- Originality and innovation
- Clarity and feasibility of research plan
- Ways in which the project will contribute to linking knowledge to action
- Potential for the award to enable a project that may not be possible without it
- Evidence of meaningful interactions with a faculty mentor for the project and/or linkages to ongoing research (but not at the expense of originality and independence)
- Cost-effectiveness (i.e., whether the budget is reasonable)
- A scope of work commensurate with the academic standing of the student (i.e., we expect that applications from graduate students will reflect a greater degree of academic experience and professionalism, compared to applications from undergraduate students).
An interdepartmental faculty committee that shares Howard Geller’s interests in student research and activism for sustainability will select successful proposals. Subject to the number and quality of applications received, it is the intention of the committee to award one-half of both regular and small awards to undergraduate projects. We anticipate making approximately 3-4 regular awards in amounts ranging from $1,001 to $2,500, and several smaller grants, up to $1,000, each year. Requests for more than $2,500 will not be considered.
2025 Award Competition
The 2025 award competition is now closed. Click here for more details.